I find it interesting that in their explaination, they state:

"Windows NT Server is a true multipurpose operating system. Enterprise
computing depends on scalability, manageability, and reliability, as well as
low cost of ownership. Windows NT Servers delivers on all three while providing
builtin underlying services that today's distributed applications require."

*NIX - 30+ years of multiuser, multiprocess, networked server OS development.

M$ - 5+ years of trying to make an 8 bit single-user, single-process,
stand-alone workstation OS work like *NIX.

You tell me which development line you want your OS to come from.  I'd prefer
the development line which started out trying to meet the goals of
"multipurpose".."scalability", "manageability", and "reliability" 30+ years
ago (not to mention one which knew the word "Security" sometime before Mellissa
came out). As for "low cost of ownership", I like FREE as opposed to "Per
Server" or "Per Seat".

"Builtin underlying services"...hmmmm.  "net use //$"  oh, wait,
pinball easter-egged into word processing software.  no?  um, word processors
with kernel level scripting builtin?  no?  hmmm...  I would say that they were
refering to their latest and greatest "bug" (if a bug is a "feature, then...)
of shipping an OS with remote administration turned on by default, but they're
refering to NT Servers.  Gotta go back to netbios and the default share.


On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, you wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Jonathan Wilson blurted out:
> JW>It is FreeBSD. The front end servers are Win2k, but they whole
> JW>thing's been on FreeBSD for a while. Search Linuxtoday or SlashDot
> JW>for "hotmail" if you don't belive :-)
> Here's what Micro$oft said about the matter themselves:
> http://www.microsoft.com/ntserver/web/news/msnw/Hotmail.asp
> --
> Chuck Mead, csm -AT- moongroup.com, Owner, MoonGroup.com
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PGTC System Administrator



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