Regarding Sun's licensing of sourcecode:

But I think this is a recent offering (probably in response to Linux).  It does
mention a "huge source code fee".  Knowing Sun, they probably charged M$ out
the blank-ess-ess for the source.  I thought for sure that hotmail ran on
freeBSD.  Maybe that was just upto and until M$ bought it.  Which means that
they had to migrate to Solaris.  Why migrate to Solaris and then to NT?  Or can
off-the-shelf or modified (can you modify NT?) NT not come close to "scale to
meet demanding performance requirements"?

The qmail is a big hint, but, using an account I created a month or so ago (I
use hotmail when filling out forms, so that my spam sits on M$'s hard-drives,
not mine), I get: "Received: from mail pickup service by with
Microsoft SMTPSVC;", not qmail.  So I guess they are signing up new customers
and putting them on an all M$ platform (their mistake).  Must have had to wait
on M$ 2000 before they could do this, though (I'm guessing here).

At any rate, we're all (to one degree or another) Linux converts.  So why are
we preaching to the choir?

This is my last OT post for a month, I promise!


On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, you wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Hank Wethington blurted out:
> HW>Also, you can get a hotmail account (GASP!) and send an e-mail to your self
> HW>and notice that the headers say it is qmail... as qmail does not run on
> HW>Winblows, there is proof of the use of an *nix system. AFAIK hotmail uses
> HW>FreeBSD and qmail in the back end. The only challenge with this of course
> HW>would be that if M$ os migrating still, that new accounts would be set up
> HW>with M$ IIS and Exchange, there by invalidating that option. If you have an
> HW>older hotmail account, then this still might be an option to check.
> Microsoft says it's Solaris...
> btw... does anybody know if Sun lets people have source code? The
> article linked here says they had to modify the source...
> --
> Chuck Mead, csm -AT-, Owner,
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PGTC System Administrator



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