
We're doing something interesting here at ErnieBall Inc., (we 
manufacture guitars and guitar accessories) we're getting rid of every 
single Micro$oft product we own. We have about 100 users on our network 
so this has proven to be a daunting task...but very interesting. We have 
a central X server running RedHat 7.0 and all the client machines pull 
an X session from that machine (or will when we are finished). This 
configuration has it's obvious advantages but has also presented us with 
some challenges. Here are a couple, maybe all you gurus have some ideas 
for me.

1) We'd like to be able to setup sound on some of the local machines 
while still logging into an X session on the server.
2) We'd like to have some instant messaging system where the root user 
can send system messages to all the users via their X session.
3)We're using StarOffice and have been pleased with everything except 
it's database system, anybody know of anything that would a satisfactory 
replacement for Acce$$?
4) There's probably a bunch of other things we'll run into so I'll post 
them as they come up! =)

Thanks for your help!

Andy Schuler
IT Dept. ErnieBall Inc.

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