On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Andy Schuler wrote:

> Hello,
> We're doing something interesting here at ErnieBall Inc., (we
> manufacture guitars and guitar accessories) we're getting rid of every
> single Micro$oft product we own. We have about 100 users on our network
> so this has proven to be a daunting task...but very interesting. We have
> a central X server running RedHat 7.0 and all the client machines pull
> an X session from that machine (or will when we are finished). This
> configuration has it's obvious advantages but has also presented us with
> some challenges. Here are a couple, maybe all you gurus have some ideas
> for me.
> 1) We'd like to be able to setup sound on some of the local machines
> while still logging into an X session on the server.

Esound may be able to do this for you.  I have not kept up on it, but it
is susposed to enable using your local sound card by network
applications.  Something to look into.

> 2) We'd like to have some instant messaging system where the root user
> can send system messages to all the users via their X session.
Run something like xcolsole, tied to a named pipe for each secession.
Then a small script that writes a message to each named pipe.  Or you
could adapt something like kpopup that is set to pop up a message when
used with samba.  Basicly, you pop up a window on their desktop with the

> 3)We're using StarOffice and have been pleased with everything except
> it's database system, anybody know of anything that would a satisfactory
> replacement for Acce$$?

Cann't help here - I don't use access.

> 4) There's probably a bunch of other things we'll run into so I'll post
> them as they come up! =)
> Thanks for your help!
> Andy Schuler
> IT Dept. ErnieBall Inc.
> www.ernieball.com
Keep us posted on how it goes.  If you deside to add some diskless
workstations, you may want to look into the Linux Terminal Server


    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
 for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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