We discovered the fix M$ distributed doesn't work.  They've know about the
bug for 5 years and never fixed it.  The bug only hits when savings time
switches on 04/01.  If we leave if along, it'll fix itself next week. In the
mean time, all our real-time messaging is one hour off.  It can cost us BIG


"Michael R. Jinks" wrote:
> FWIW they announced this a month or so ago on (IIRC) BugTraq.  I
> understand that it's a once-only problem, the "Y2K+1" bug.  Har har har
> har har har har.
> Mike Watson wrote:
> >
> > Well MS did it to us again. NT4.0 has a bug for switching to savings time.
> > MS missed the date by a week!  We had to manually set the time offset
> > manually.  In a week, we'll have to set it back when NT correctly figures
> > out that savings time has arrived.  Appears to only occur on servers
> > though.  Desktops appear OK.
> >
> > Mike W
> >
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> --
> ~~~Michael Jinks, IB // Technical Entity // Saecos Corporation~~~~
> "We've done our best, but you're still hosed." -- W. Stearns, ISTS
> Opinions expressed above are my own, and not those of my computer.
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