On 01-May-01 at 14:04:21 Kyle Hargraves wrote:
>       I expect to upgrade to 7.1 over the weekend and I'll be interested
>       to see if RH has provided a list of changes comparing 7.0 to 7.1;
>       such is the only downside of a linux distribution : services
>       "disappear" for no documented reason.
No detailed list if that is what you mean. However, such a list would
probably be quite large would it not? :-) Just before upgrading from 7.0
to 7.1 I joined the seawolf (RH7.1's name) list and checked their archives
so as to see what 'gotchas' other people had found. I myself found that the
'ls' command had changed and thought that a 'list' would be nice, but as
said it would be a big list :-) There is a list (I think) of specific redhat
changes on one of the the installation CD's, but again it was not very
detailed; probably there was something similar when going from 6.2 (?) to

good luck,


PS - I only had 3 problems when doing a full install of 7.1; 2 of them were
my own fault, so the only gotcha I have found so far was the 'ls' command but
that too has now been fixed by my setting an environment variable (see the
archives for details). Otherwise no problems :-)

John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK           Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914
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