On Fri, 4 May 2001, Ted Gervais wrote:

> Just wondering something here -
> I have two ipaddresses. And therefore have two ways of getting to my gateway.
> One of the ipaddresses is an amateur radio address (ampr.org address) and the
> other the normal commerical address.
> If I have my workstation set with an ampr.org address and it  accesses the
> gateway using the gateways's ampr.org address - it appears that I can't reach
> the commerical world. But I can go anywhere in the 'ampr.org' world?
> Does this make any sense?
> My workstation's ampr.org address is The gateway is
>  The commerical or normal addressing is for
> the workstation and 142.1786.139.106 for the gate.  Should it make any
> difference to the gate that requests are being made to the ampr.org world or
> the commerical world??
What does your routing table look like for each setup?  Are you using
the same interface to reach both gateways?  Are both gateways the same

I would need to know more about your setup, but the gateway could be set
up so that packets from can only connect to other
addresses.  If this is the case, and the gateway is the same machine for
both networks, you should be able to add a virtual interface, so that
you have for eth0, and for eth0:1.  You
would configure thing so that the network uses eth0:1 with
gateway, and the default route uses eth0 and gateway

Now, if you use different interfaces for the two different IPs, then it
is ever simpler.


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