On Fri, 4 May 2001, Ted Gervais wrote:

> >
> > What does your routing table look like for each setup?  Are you using
> > the same interface to reach both gateways?  Are both gateways the same
> > device?
> Yes, and Yes..
> >
> > I would need to know more about your setup, but the gateway could be set
> > up so that packets from can only connect to other
> > addresses.  If this is the case, and the gateway is the same machine for
> > both networks, you should be able to add a virtual interface, so that
> > you have for eth0, and for eth0:1.  You
> > would configure thing so that the network uses eth0:1 with
> > gateway, and the default route uses eth0 and gateway
> > 142.1786.139.106.
> That is what I was thnking of. Using an alias as I did once before.  I guess
> the reason why I am wondering about that is because a few days ago I took
> Redhat7.1 down (on the machine) and installed Slackware using the same
> appplication files and both addresses work to either the commerical world or
> the ampr.org world.  That really confused me. So, I am now back to RedHat7.1
> and going to give it another try.  If it is absolutely necessary for the
> alias interface then I will pop that in this afternoon depending on my lawn
> chores..   I have lots of 'honey-do's' as well <hi>..
> >
> > Now, if you use different interfaces for the two different IPs, then it
> > is ever simpler.
> >
> > Mikkel
Well, you may be able to get by with adding another route.  Boot up
using the IP, and try running:
route add -net netmask gw eth0

If I haven't forgotten anything, or goofed up the format, that may get
you access to the ampr.org network.  What it will not do is let the
ampr.org contact you on  You need the virtual interface
for that.


    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
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