I have been using the following script for Solaris and need to find linux 
equivalents for the following programs:
ufsdump (dumpe2fs?)
and there are several more that I am not sure about.
Don Parsons

# @(#) backup-script 1.2 95/09/15
# simple dump script /usr/bin/ufsscript  to do full dump of an entire system
# edit the following to suit your configuration
TAPE=/dev/rmt/0mbn   # this should be the non-rewinding tape device

# use this for 2.3 GB 8mm drives
#DUMPPARM="0ubdsf 126 54000 6000"

# use this for 5GB (4mm & 8mm) drives
# DUMPPARM="0ubdsf 126 54000 13000"
# same but COMPRESSED
DUMPPARM="0ubdsf 126 54000 26000"
# DUMPPARM="0ubdsf 126 50800 740"
# DUMPPARM="0cfu"
# run from a shell tool or a cron. By default it backs up the entire 
# system. For incremental backups replace the DUMPPARM line with
# DUMPPARM="xubdsf 126 nnnnnn nnnnn" 
# the x in place of 0 means incremental dump, or only the stuff
# thats changed since the last since the last incremental dump was
# done. Take a full (level 0)and save it in case of hd cashes. 
# Periodically run an incremental or a full dump (depending on the 
# amount of data change on the machine
# to dump specific filesystems, set FILESYS to a list of
# the devices you want to dump. If FILESYS is null, all
# ufs filesystems listed in /etc/vfstab will be dumped.

# to print useful recovery information (disk layout, dump list)
# set PRINTER to the name of the printer you wish to spool
# the output to. If PRINTER is null, no output will be produced

#-----  shouldn't have to modify anything below here -----

getfs() {
  if [ -z "$FILESYS" ]; then
    FILESYS=`awk '$1 !~ /^#/ && $4 == "ufs" {print $2}' </etc/vfstab`

getrootdisk() {
  ROOTDISK=`awk '$1 !~ /^#/ && $3 == "/" {print $2}' </etc/vfstab |
  sed -e 's/$s./s2/'`

# start of actual process

PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin; export PATH

echo "Dump started at `date`"
mt -f $TAPE rewind


for i in $FILESYS
  echo "Starting $i at `date`"
  ufsdump $DUMPPARM $TAPE $i >/dev/null
  echo ufsdump $DUMPPARM $TAPE $i
  echo "Finished $i at `date`"

 if [ -n "$PRINTER" ];
  echo "Dump done on `date`" 
  echo ""
  echo "Tape contains the following partitions, in sequence"
  for i in $FILESYS
    echo $i
  echo ""
  prtvtoc $ROOTDISK
  ) | lp -d$PRINTER
# unexpected end of file at last line

Donald F. Parsons MB.BS, Ph.D, Research Physician,Wadsworth Ctr
NY State Dept of Health, ESP Box 509, Albany NY 12201-0509
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (518)474-7047

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