Heh, I hear ya, but I think (or hope) end user support comes AFTER divorce

Mike Wafkowski

----- Original Message -----
From: "Meph Istopheles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Was - poor performance on 7.2 Now New install notes

>   Hey,
> > Maybe I missed your other "experiences" or something.
>   Oh, the previous thread was simply that RH 7.2 was rather slow with my
> two AMD boxes & with another's single AMD box.
> > But I just tried installing a Debian potato last night and it fails for
> > no apparent reason less that halfway through.
>   I'd had this with two distros (RH 7.2 & the same Debian 7.1 on a P-II
> 333.  Each had just spit out the first CD & printed "You may now reboot
> your computer" on the screen.  Makes ya wonder.
> > The same result in 6 attempts with 2 different burns. This was my 12-
> > 5th attempts on 4 different PCs using 3 different releases. To date
> > Debian:0, RH:70 (or more) on 5 personal machines and 10+ others not
> > belonging to me.
>   I'm likely to revert, in future, to, say, RH 6.2 (which has installed
> fine on the two Pentium boxes), update the kernel & go from there.
>   I'm going to say it....fuck 'puters.
>   Sorry, had to.  Too many things to study to bother pursuing
> certification, no more time, no more money, few jobs.  I'm rather
> frustrated.  Joy -- I'll likely be back to end-user support soon.  Well,
> it won't be long after that I'll be single again;-).
> > Has 'Doze-2K(or-more-bugs) been installed during every attempt?
>   Well, I've got 2k running on three of the boxes, W98 on mine (games).
> But it really shouldn't matter in any case -- particularly since I've
> had no trouble on three of the boxes dual-booting with W98 (the fourth
> is fairly new).  Theoretically, based on ext2, there's no reason for
> Linux to either slow down ~or~ fail simply because of ~any~ other OS on
> the hard drive.  But, FWIW, the fairly new one only had RH 7.1 running
> for a couple of months before I'd installed W2k & attempted RH 7.2.
> > --
> > Sarcasm is just one of the many services we offer.
>   I like it:-).
>   Meph
> --
>   "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
>   -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux
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