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On Sunday 25 November 2001 11:56 pm, Ian Truelsen wrote:
> Bill Hartwell writes:
> >
> > That's one interesting machine you have. I know about binding
> > ctrl-alt-del to the shutdown command, but normally a power switch is
> > directly linked to the power supply, and therefore hitting that switch
> > simply kills your power. A machine that can be set up to do a normal
> > shutdown by hitting the power switch would make a LOT of people very
> > happy.
> It is a pretty standard feature of the newer ATX style machines and
> motherboards. With the introduction of the ATX form and associated power
> supplies, the power switch has not been directly connected to the power
> supply.
> Ian.

Looks like I'm going to have to see about upgrading my system, then. Mine 
still uses an AT motherboard. I suppose that'll mean a new case, too, to 
accomodate the new-style power supply....

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