>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Burger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mike> Actually, I only wanted DHCP for my internal interface...but until I
Mike> spefically added accept rules for udp and tcp on ports 67 and 68 on
Mike> the internal interface, my server/firewall would not accept dhcp
Mike> requests, nor dole out the addresses.

Mike> And that, specifically, was the problem.  And I'm 100% sure that's
Mike> the problem with Mike's network, too.

Interesting.  Did you happen to tell dhcpd to use only your internal
interface name?  If you didn't, it might be that dhcpd was attempting to
service both your internal and external interface, and was wedging when it
couldn't get out via the external interface...

                    Just a thought,

Ed Bailey        Red Hat, Inc.          http://www.redhat.com/

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