On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, David Talkington wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Mike Burger wrote:
> >I couldn't find the proper option to add to dhcpd.conf to tell it to only
> >use the internal interface.
> >
> >I can guarantee that it was trying to service both interfaces...but I
> >couldn't locate the appropriate info.
> Just pass it the names of the interfaces you want it to listen to,
> which overrides the default of "all":
> # dhcpd eth0
> I added this to /etc/init.d/dhcpd in my case.
> Cheers -d

Yeah, so do I. The down side is every time you upgrade it gets
overwritten. Maybe Red Hat will make this one of those nifty files
containing network parameters int he future so we don't have this problem
in the future?


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