On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 05:14:24PM +0100, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
>               Hi Michael,
> > I have a system with the ASUS A7V motherboards in it.  It's got BIOS version
> > 1004D in it and I see the latest BIOS version is 1009.  Everything on the
> > system seems to work fine, but I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to
> > flash it anyway...
>  If everything works fine then it should not be necessary. I just ordered an 
> Athlon 1300 for use in the same board. I think I *will* do a BIOS upgrade for 
> this reason.

I think I'll just sit tight. then...  Thanks!

> > Anyone know what the "good" versions of the BIOS are?
>  Well, 1009 is the latest stable version. 1010 is a beta, so I would go with 
> the 1009 if you feel you need to do an upgrade.

I think there were problems with some of the older BIOS, but it seems like I
remeber those being 1003 or 1003...

>  I guess you'll have to ask a friend for a DOS bootdisk. There is still no way
> around this. It's a pity there still are no Linux versions of flash.

It is too bad.  You'd think that the BIOS or MB mfgrs could come up with one.
I don't know much about it, but it's probably something that's specific to
each MB and/or BIOS, so a generic linux utility to do so wouldn't be very

Well, I guess if I decide to do it, I'll just have to borrow a DOS disk.

Thanks for the reply!


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        They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
        safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
                        -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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