On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 23:41:42 -0600
Bret Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just bought a sony laptop with the 900MHz duron and am going to set it
> up as dual boot at first.  The 15GB drive came partitioned in 2 chunks
> and I thought I simply place RH7.2 on what windows sees as the D:
> drive.  It looks like it is really a logical in an extended partition.
> Two real questions before I start.
> 1) will grub or lilo simply boot XP as the other operating system just
> like win9X or has enough changed that I will need to do somehting else?
> 2) can I install linux in the extended partition? I would probably
> create my typical seperate partitions : /, /boot, /var, /tmp, /usr,
> /home, swap.  These partition numbers would obviously start at hda5 and
> be way into the disk.  I have not done the dual boot thing in so long I
> thought I would ask the gurus before starting.
> 3) (bonus question) when I started the install to see if I was going to
> have any immediate hardware issues before punting I noticed the laptop
> installation option.  I have never done one of the standard  config
> installs and probably won't this time but does anyone know what apps get
> installed with the laptop option?  Are there new laptop targeted apps
> since 6.2 I should install?
I recently installed RH 7.2 on a Sony Vaio PIII 900.  Same HD as yours
with similar config.  I just deleted the D: drive and had the installation
write there.  No problems and grub dual boots from the get-go!  I chose
the laptop installation, and since my guess is that our hardwar is quite
similar (if not identical, `cept the processor) you should have no
problem.  The installation even recognized the CDR/DVD and put scsi
support in the kernel it built. HTH,

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