On Tue, 2001-12-18 at 23:04, Stephen Liu wrote:

> At 06:40 AM 12/18/2001 -0600, you wrote:
> >RAID 5 is striping + mirroring.  I recommend that this not be done on
> >IDE drives unless you've invested in extra controllers.  You need at
> >least 3 drives to make a RAID 5 set.
> Whether a special controller with 3 channels for connecting 3 hard discs is 
> needed ?
> Or you need 3/5 controllers for 3/5 hard discs ?
> What kind of controller it is ?

You can do this in hardware or software.  Ideally, you always want each
member of a RAIDset on a separate channel, especially with IDE drives
that don't support transfers to multiple devices on the same channel at
the same time.

> >RAID 0+1 will give you the highest performance at the expense of the
> >most drives.
> Is RAID 0+1 similar to RAID 5 in function/performance ?

RAID 0+1 is faster for all writes, and a bit slower for reads.

> Whether its controller has 4 channels for connnecting 4 hard discs
> Can I use only 2 hard discs with partitions for RAID 0+1 instead of 4 hard 
> discs ?

It wouldn't make sense to do RAID 0+1 on only 2 drives.  If you stripe
(RAID 0) across 2 partitions on the same drive, you'll thrash yourself
doing reads.  If you mirror across 2 partitions on the same drive, you
won't protect yourself against a head crash.

> >For a home system, RAID 1 is no longer out of the reach of the average
> >PC purchaser.  I added 2 40GB ATA100 drives on the Promise TX2
> >controller for about $240.  I mirror the first 10GB of data so that
> >leaves me 70GB of usuable space.
> To my understanding you use the second hard disc for mirroring.  What are 
> you going to do with 30G partition on the first hard disc ?

The un-mirrored 30GB on each drive is for data that doesn't need
protection - my backups from other systems, ISO images, etc.

> Are you using the primary/secondary channel of your motherboard to connect 
> a hard disc for backup ?

I use the motherboard IDE channels for my CDROM and CD-RW drives.  I use
the Promise TX2 controller for my ATA100 drives.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA

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