> From: Dominic Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> Even though I have been using Linux since RH4.1, I have only used
> my computer as a stand alone machine. Now, my wife has bought a
> new computer to run M$ ( which I will configure as a dual boot M$
> win98 and RH7.2 ).  The main computer, only runs Linux (RH6.2). 
> What do I need to connect these computers?

Depends on what you mean by "connect". Do you just want to share files
and/or a printer? Samba will allow you to do that. Will the "main
computer" be connected to your internet connection and you want share
it with the Windows computer? Yes, the IP-masquerading HOWTO is
appropriate for this.

At a minimum you need a network card in each and some sort of
connection between the cards - see comments after your next paragraph
for more details.

> I know I will need a second network card on my computer and a
> network card on my wife computer.  Do I need a hub, or can I just
> run a connection from wife network card to my computer network
> card? I am right to think that a hub would be necessary for a
> larger local network (eg connecting more than two computers
> together )?

With just two network computers, you only need a cable, but you need
what is usually referred to as a "cross-over" cable, not a regular
network cable. The cross-over switches the wires so they match with
different pins at either end. A hub takes care of switching the wires
so a regular network cable is used with it.

> If I need a hub, the hub is independent of the OS, it is a
> box outside the computers which serves to connect the machines
> together.  More clearly, are their issues of compatibility that I
> do not see?

Hubs are OS independent. Some people will recommend a switch, but it
makes little difference for your setup. Netgear and Linksys are the
two major hub/switch manufacturers for consumer level quality.

> I have started reading the IP-masquerading HOWTO.  Which other
> source of information should I read?  Not that do not want to
> learn, but I am time constrained, I want the reading to be the
> most efficient possible.

The samba docs if you want to share files and/or a printer.

> Thanks for any input!  A real novice.
> Cheers.

Have fun.


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