On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 10:39:18AM -0800, Hidong Kim wrote:
> Excuse this off-topic post.  At our company ..., there
> are some who insist on sending e-mails with huge attachments, like 20-50
> MB.  ... They'll send these e-mails to everyone in the
> company and also to clients.  ...  My question is, are there any sound
> technical arguments against sending such large e-mails, like unnecessary
> use of bandwidth?  Thanks,

Many.  Excessive and unnecessary use of local disk storage (a copy for
EVERY user's inbox AND, once read, their mail store), backup media and
backup time requirements, LAN and WAN bandwidth for preparation and
delivery, mail forwarder's storage, CPU cycles for processing delivery
and virus scanning, probably lack of interest by most recipients.

You can limit the size of E-mail in sendmail.  If this is a real problem,
and you either have the right to set policy or have the ear of the CIO,
it's not an unreasonable policy to require attachments over a certain
size be disseminated by other means.

        Dave Ihnat

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