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* On 14-01-02 at 21:08 
* gabriel said....

> you know how when you're installing redhat for the first time, you're
> given all these nice little menus asking you what kind of keyboard and
> mosue you're using etc?  well i told it i had a microsoft natural pro
> keyboard, and now my quote key (') doesn't work.  both with the shift
> key and without, i get (?) instead...  and my scroller on my mouse
> doesn't work since logitech mouseman wheel wasn't available on the list
> as a ps2 mouse (only usb).

The keyboard thing sounds like a language/layout mistake and the mouse
thing just takes a little experimentation, try the generic 3 button ps2.

> so how do i reconfigure my linux setup to think my keyboard is just a
> plain 104 keyboard and my mouse is something else that has a scroller? 
> or better yet, how would i let it know what's _really_ going on?  there
> has to be something quick and easy like the inital set up.... right?

Well, that's the bugger isn't it. I think you can resort all of that
through th Xconfig program (i think the name is wrong but check the
docs) but if it's a fresh install it might be less trouble just to redo
it with different keyboard/mouse choices. 

Good luck!
- -- 

Nick Wilson

Tel:    +45 3325 0688
Fax:    +45 3325 0677
Web:    www.explodingnet.com

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