On Sun, 10 Feb 2002, Bob Hartung wrote:

> Hi,
>    I am ready to purchase a new laptop.  Which manufacturers offer a 
> preinstalled RH?  [I have received negative replies from Compaq and Dell - 
> HP just didn't respond].

pretty much no one, since it's not worth the investment in technical
support.  you're better off just figuring out which laptops *run*
RH with minimal fuss, and install it yourself.  check out 
www.linux-laptop.net as a start.


p.s.  my dell inspirons have performed very nicely with red hat,
and ibm thinkpads are also regarded pretty highly for linux support.

p.p.s.  dell *used to* offer red hat pre-installed on some of their
laptops, but discontinued that.  no big surprise there -- most linux
users don't care about pre-installed OSes, since they plan on doing
their own installation anyway.  so the pre-installed feature had
zero value to the majority of the linux community.

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