> From: Michael Scottaline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sun, 10 Feb 2002 11:16:58 -0600
> Bob Hartung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled in frustration:
> >Hi,
> >   I am ready to purchase a new laptop.  Which manufacturers offer a 
> >preinstalled RH?  [I have received negative replies from Compaq and Dell
> >- HP just didn't respond].
> ==============================
> If you really want RH 7.2 pre-installed [it is easy enough to do yourself]
> try www.aslab.com I bought a laptop and tower from them and they have been
> great.
> Mike

I can also speak speak positively about ASL. I got a laptop from them
about in Dec. 2000 and it's worked fine. If I were going to do it now,
I might not be as interested in having Linux preinstalled, but I
didn't have the time to mess with trying to get Linux installed when I
bought it and this way I figured I'd get hardware that was known to
work fine (including sound card, etc.) with Linux. They installed Red
Hat 6.2 for me, but I had no problems installing Red Hat 7.1 and 7.2
on it.


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