On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, David Talkington wrote:

> Put your data on one filesystem, and the OS on several others.  Have
> backups.  Have copies of your config files.  You'll be free!  You can
> switch Red Hat versions, change Linux distributions, or even switch to
> BSD in a heartbeat, or do all three and roll it back to where you
> started in a couple of hours.

 Not quite.  I have reiserfs and jfs partitions ... so I am stuck
with the rawhide kernel at least ...

> Stop wasting your time.  Back up your data.  Save /etc.  And nuke that
> puppy!  We'll be here to help.

 Yeah.  I actually have copies of /etc on my home system going back
to an original install several years ago.  Of course the networking
part is completely useless as I've gone ISDN -> analogue -> ISDN ->
analogue -> SDSL in that time.

> That is my humble opinion.

 You're pretty much right, though ...

> - -- 
> David Talkington

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