I saw this on the archive and thought it was relevant.  Does anyone have a
solution to shit?

Hello All.
I tried to install RHS 6.2 on a P4B with a Rage 128 Pro video board (a
Jupiter board). (I have seen this problem already in the mailing list
archive, but no clue about the origin of this problem).
The installation crashes when anaconda tries to read package names from the
/RedHat/base/comps file:
Exception occured
<removed many lines of dump>
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/comps.py", line 299, in readCompsFile
comp.addPackage (packages[l]) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/comps.py", line 46, in
__getitem__ return self.packages[item] keyError : basesystem
Installation is done with a kickstart file, and no X support is installed.
Does the 6.2 distribution provide support for installation on this hardware
configuration ? If not, is there a P4 configuration (no X required, so basic
VGA will do it) I can use with RHS 6.2 ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur H. Johnson II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: RedHat 6.2 fails on Pentium 4?

Red Hat 6.2 should install on a Pent 4.  It is backwards compatible with
x86 platforms.  Besides, the error doesnt look like it has anything to
do with the type of processor.

On Fri, 2002-03-01 at 10:44, Trond Eivind Glomsrød wrote:
> Kapeller Rene PSI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi,
> > I tried to install redhat-6.2 on a pentium 4.
> > The installation actually goes well until it tries to get the package
> > list (or something like that).
> > Anaconda then complains with
> > 
> >    File "/usr/lib/anaconda/comp.sys"
> >      line 46 in __getitem__
> > return self.packages[item]
> >      KeyError: basesystem
> > 
> > has anyone successfully installed rh-6.2 on a pentium 4?
> I doubt that[1], you need a newer version.
> [1] There was no such CPU when RHL 6.2 was released.
> -- 
> Trond Eivind Glomsrød
> Red Hat, Inc.
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Arthur H. Johnson II
The Linux Box
"Don't try to outweird me, three-eyes.  I get stranger
things than you free with my breakfast cereal."
- Zaphod Beeblebrox in "Hithiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

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