Sorry, problem NOT solved !!!

someone has changed the hardware on my test environment on the weekend, 
thus I was testing on a Pentium III this morning by mistake.

To be more precise:
Futjitsu-Siemens SCENIC L Pentium III, MB D1219, Intel 815: works fine
Futjitsu-Siemens SCENIC L Pentium 4, MB D1327, Intel 845: fails

I disabled the onboard LAN in the BIOS and pluged in a epro100 card.

The kernel seems to boot ok. Disks and LAN card are recognized and 
network can be access when using bootnet image.
But at 'Getting package information...' the RH-6.2 installation bombs on

  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/comp.sys"
     line 46 in __getitem__
return self.packages[item]
     KeyError: basesystem

Thanks for any hint !
- Rene

Rick van der Linde wrote:
>>Problem solved!
>>The installation works now with my new Pentium 4 system.
>>Solution: Download the update for the 6.2 boot images
>>- Rene
> Great..
> Still I would like to mention RedHat 6.2 still has the bug in
> the setup in case of two or more NIC's. You can workaround
> this by just configuring only one or none of the NIC's during
> setup. You can configure them afterwards...
> Rick
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