ncftp IS ftp.  Comparing it to scp doesn't make sense.

Why not use sftp instead?  You are not required to input the path and 
it's very much like what you are doing now.  I like openssh personally. 
 I believe it comes with RedHat 7.x


>Hmmm... good question, perhaps cumbersome is a bad word choice. What I
>mean is that I don't like having to type in te full path to the remote
>*and* the full path to the local every time I transfer.
>typical command looks like this right?
>$ scp path/of/files/to/upload/ :/path/to remote/server/blah
>whereas in ncftp id just type
>$ put -r dirname
>Maybe I misunderstand, feel free to correct me  [:-)] 

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