On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 07:46:17PM +0100, Ismael Touama wrote:
> I rpm -Fvh the revelant glibc RPMs.
> when made rpm -qa |grep glibc got:
> glibc-2.2.4-13
> glibc-devel-2.2.4-13
> glibc-common-2.2.4-13
> So try to make the definitiv upgrade (2.2.4-19.3),
> and again failed dependencies glibc-common 2.2.4-13 is
> needed by glibc-2.2.13 !!!

Create a directory.
Put all the glibc related rpms from the updates in that directory.
You should have:

glibc-2.2.4-19.3.i386.rpm              glibc-devel-2.2.4-19.3.i386.rpm
glibc-common-2.2.4-19.3.i386.rpm       glibc-profile-2.2.4-19.3.i386.rpm

Cd to that directory and run the command:
rpm -Fvh glibc-*

If that doesn't work, please post the out of the command to the list.

> I wanted to rpm -ivh kernell today but it's missed !

Run the command `uname -m`.
Download the kernel in that directory from the updates and all the
kernel-related rpms from the i386 directory.

Run the commands:
        rpm -Fvh kernel-*-2.4.9*
        rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.9-6.2.15.$ARCH.rpm (where $ARCH is the
result of `uname -m`)


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