Last night I ran a major update that has been accumulating on my 7.1
system, bringing everthing up to date with current update packages.

This involved updating all of X to newest update.  The kernel, Mesa
Xinitrc, modutils and quite a few other things.  I didn't keep a
record of everthing.  A few more were all openssh packages, telnet,
and etc.

I suspect the X update to be the main thing causing changes.

I'm seeing different behavior in vim, emacs and at an Xterm terminal
with the keyboard and fonts that get selected.

An example: Previous to update, pressing bckspc while in insert mode in
vim would delete to the left, moving the cursor to left.  Now I get 
^? with the same action.   Default font for emacs has changed.

stty -a still shows erase set to ^H as before.

Before beginning to medal with everthing like fontpath, the catalogue
settings of xfs, or terminal settings, which in my experience can end
up a pandoras box and cause all kinds of unforeseen problems.

I wondered if anyone else here has had a similar experience recently
and can help direct my meddling a little bit.

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