christopher j bottaro wrote:

> hello,
> i used dateconfig to make an ntp.conf file, then i restarted ntpd and nothing
> seemed to happen.  my date and time are still the same (i.e. wrong).
> actually, on my machine with X, i used dateconfig.  then i installed ntpd via
> rpm on my non graphical machine and copied dateconfig's ntp.conf over to it.
> then i restarted ntpd via /etc/init.d/ntpd restart.  nothing happens.  it
> doesn't change my date/time on either machine.
> what am i doing wrong?
> thanks for the help,
> christopher
> P.S.  i'm using redhat 7.2

I've never used dateconfig, but maybe the problem is with overly high time
difference (happened to me while setting up NTP). Basically, a NTP client will
not update it's time if it's local clock differs more than a certain threshold
(10 minutes if I recall) to the time obtained from the server. To correct this,
stop ntpd, run ntpdate, and restart ntpd. Repeat for all servers and you're set.
Information that points to this issue can be checked in the system logs.

If this is not the problem you are experiencing, try setting additional time
servers (there are lots of public stratum 1 and stratum 2 time servers around),
in case it's a problem in the server. I recomend the servers at the U.S. Naval
Observatory ( and the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (


Javier Gostling
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Virtualia S.A.
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