>Just to clarify:
>My machine:
>AMD 1.2G
>HD 40GB
>RAM 256MB
>Redhat 7.2
>I'd like to edit movie from Camcorder. At the end of
>the day, after editing the movies, I would like to
>store the movies in CDR (mpeg format).
>Thanks for the help.

It would have been nice if you would have said this in the first place.

While video editing under Linux is getting there, it isn't fully there yet.
As first mentioned, join the Video4Linux mail list and join that discussion.

You will need another hard drive added to the system.  At least a 100GB
for holding all the video segments for doing your editing.

I certainly hope that you do not plan on destroying the original DV recordings
and only keeping the VideoCD versions.  That would be a sin, since the VideoCD
versions are vastly inferior to the DV you just shot.  While the VideoCDs
might be OK to show to family and friends, as a permanent record, most
certainly, definately, NOT!!!

What if you wanted to transfer them to DVD?  What if, down the years, there
is a better format than DVD?  You'll be stuck with those crappy looking

Yep, you better keep those DV tapes as master storage.  I'd even make a DV
master of the edit.

Sorry to be blunt, but I deal with DV editing every day.

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