> (1) 10 or so Email addresses that I can access via pop3 (Outlook XP/2002
> INSIDE my firewall) that the outside world can send mail to. I use a
> dyndns.org address currently and everything is fine there. I also need
> to be able to get to these mailboxes from my workplace. Which would be
> better? Sendmail, Postfix or what?

Sendmail is actually fairly trivial for the basics.  It has a lot of
options, but it's unlikely you'll need to tweak the vast majority of them.
Most Linux distributions include an imap/pop3 server that's perfectly
adequate.  Sendmail had a lot of security issues in its history but it's
currently considered secure - after all, there are a *LOT* of major
companies that rely on Sendmail and if there were to be a hole, it would be
fixed very quickly.

> (2) The ability to setup Mailing Lists that people can subscribe to
> either by sending an email to my daemon or by a web page interface.

Red Hat Linux comes with Mailman - it's what drives this list.  I've got a
few small lists my server and haven't had any issues.  Red Hat wouldn't use
it if it sucked.  I've always used the web interface - I can't remember if
it's got mail-message commands.

Ed Wilts
Mounds View, MN, USA

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