On Wed, 29 May 2002, daniel wrote:

> i'm a bit confused about the use of swap space on the linux file system.  i
> partitioned the disk manually and devoted about 32mb to it, but every time i
> hit "df" it says that while i have 30464 available, none of it is used...
> does it ever get used?  do i have to enable something somewhere to make sure
> it gets used?  here's the output of df:
>   Filesystem    1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
>   /dev/hda2       7872920   3926616   3546380  53% /
>   /dev/hda1         51206     13282     35280  28% /boot
>   /dev/hdc1      78786704  10252240  64532304  14% /home/web
>   none              30464         0     30464   0% /dev/shm
> an additional question:
> i'm going to be putting more ram in this box, probably totalling 256 (right
> now it's stuck at 64).  will i have to devote more hard disc to swap?  if
> so, how?
> _________________________________
> daniel a. g. quinn
> starving programmer
> many go fishing all their lives
> without knowing that it is not fish they are after.
>   - henry david thoreau
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