I am still a little new to Linux, Do you just type that in from the
shell when logged in as root? or do you do it from when you are logged
in as a user?

On Tue, 2002-06-04 at 06:38, ramakrishna wrote:
> hi,
> > X is designed as a client/server protocol where
> > the server (the display) may be on a different machine than the client
> > (the program that's being run).
>     I agree. X-server can be used to query the server and display the server desktop 
>at client m/c.
>  use this command at the client m/c 
>       # X -query <hostname>           where <hostname> is the server 
> cheers
> -rk-
> -------------------------------------------
> Ramakrishna        | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Exocore Consulting | http://www.exocore.com
> Bangalore, India   | +91 (80) 344-0397
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