    Check out the man page for rpm (man rpm) and look up the part that talks
about the --root option.  This should be what you're looking for.

 - matt

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 4:13 PM
Subject: RPM question..

> Hi,
> I made a directory called 'work'. In it I put an rpm package. I
> would like to unpack this package and install itself with directory
> tree in a subdirectory of the 'work' directory. I don't want rpm
> to install the package in the system itself. I just want to be
> able to inspect a few things first.
> I guess the related switches I might need to use are:
>       --prefix <path>
>               This  sets  the  installation  prefix to <path> for
>               relocatable packages.
>        --relocate <oldpath>=<newpath>
>               For relocatable packages, translates the files that
>               would be put in <oldpath> to <newpath>.
>        --badreloc
>               To  be  used  in  conjunction with --relocate, this
>               forces the relocation even  if  the  package  isn't
>               relocatable.
>        --noorder
>               Don't reorder the packages for an install. The list
>               of packages would normally be reordered to  satisfy
>               dependancies.
> but I don't know really what to put for <oldpath> or how to
> order these options on the command line (I'm working from the
> command line).
> Thanks,
> --Paul
> --
> William J. Broad: "The crux... is that the vast majority of the mass
> of the universe seems to be missing."
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