On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Paul Thomas wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Michael Fratoni wrote:
> > > rpm2cpio SysVinit-2.77-2.i386.rpm | cpio -dim --no-absolute-filenames
> > >
> > > I get a 'broken pipe' error:(
> > 
> > Hrmm, 
> > I don't have that version available at present. Have you verified that the 
> > rpm is good? It works here with a slightly different version.
> Looks like my cpio might not be good. On the non-RH machine, I have
> never used it before and it might need to be upgraded.

I found a the latest cpio (GNU cpio version 2.3) but it does not
support the --no-absolute-filenames switch. What version are you using?

BTW, I gave it a go and it unpacked the rpm as I need it to. Now to
go find the rpm's of interest.

Thanks again Michael!


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