>>>>> "ms" == Matthew Saltzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    ms> On 2 Jul 2002, Gordon Messmer wrote:
    >> On Tue, 2002-07-02 at 12:45, Ray Curtis wrote:
    >> >
    >> > Yes, Amanda will make very reliable backups on your network, and yes
    >> > dump is broken.
    >> > However Amanda being the very powerful system it is, look to tar, cpio
    >> > as alternatives.
    >> Bitch is that filesystems with extended attributes need to be backed up
    >> by their specific version of dump.  Tar and cpio aren't going to know
    >> how to back up the extended attributes.  From that point of view, Linux
    >> 2.4 is broken.  Badly, it seems.

    ms> So is there a recommended course of action hidden here?  Should I be using
    ms> tar or cpio with amanda or something else entirely?

Sure go ahead and use Amanda, it was only  pointed out that dump is
broken with the 2.4 kernel, but that will apply to any software using
Go ahead and use Amanda with tar, it is a good package, the only
reason some prefer Arkeia, Bru is that Amanda has no gui frontend.
But amanda is used by many sys-admins to backup both small and large

Ray Curtis
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