You might think about using an external ADSL modem.  I had the same issue 
and spent 100 on a turbocomm adsl router.  It is a dsl modem, NAT, and 
router all in one.  I disabled the router in it of course, but it solved 
my problem.


On Sun, 7 Jul 2002, Sarig Scudder wrote:

> I'm trying to upgrade my internet connection  from 56K modem service to ADSL
> service but I am having some problems with the company providing the
> service. They claim the minimum machine they  will install a modem on is a
> Pentium 133 with 32meg of memory. I currently  have an AMD 133 which is a
> 486 class process with 24megs of memory, being  used as a firewall, that I
> would like  to install it on. I asked the technician that came to install
> why a Pentium 133 is the minimum and he had no answer only to show me
> documents from the various service providers he works with that all have the
> same minimums. My guess is the minimums are based on the computer being used
> as a workstation but I have no facts to back that up. Is it possible to get
> ADSL service working on a 486 given enough RAM? Since it is a firewall and
> only has to pass packets along, more or less, I thought this would be
> enough. Anybody care to venture an opinion?
> ------------
> Sarig

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