Title: RE: ADSL Installation Headaches


Thanks for the response.
I wrote the original email when I was still a little frustrated and should probably have waited until I calmed down some.

>More Information Please

The machine I am using as a firewall is a AMD 133 (486 clone) with 24 meg of memory running Redhat 7.3 operating system. Since it is a firewall I have taken the advice I got from this list and have tried to limit what is installed on it and have shutdown as many services as I can. Ping, Finger, Telnet, Sendmail, etc are all disabled/uninstalled. No X Windows or anything like that is installed on it. I'm using an IPChains firewall script with Masquerading.

The Firewall machine is hooked to the rest of the network via a router which has two workstations attached to it. The router is a 10 meg (I think).

>My biggest concern is why you would let an outside technician who is probably
>no more than a "phone guy" mess with your computer.

You know, now that you mention it I'm not sure myself why I was going to let him touch my machine. The modem the service provides is part of package deal and they send out an installer to set everything up for you. The guy that came out wasn't interested in discussing things any possibilities. You live and learn. I have side stepped the hardware issue by buying an external modem.


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