If you think you need more memory, you can create swap files 
http://dev.panopticsearch.com/swapfile-notes.html.  Good luck,


daniel wrote:
> i've got a celeron500 here running nfs, samba, apfs, apache, bind, sendmail
> and proftpd.  all services are required as this little box is the central
> machine in the office hosting all of the development for all the sites we're
> working on.
> but lately it's been blowing up and people on their macs (osX) have been
> losing access to their nfs shares.  and just now i had problems on my redhat
> box where i tried to ls an nfs mounted directory.  instead of giving the
> contents, i was met with an error stating that the file handle is 'stale'.
> the machine's only got 128mb ram with a swap of about 192mb.  is this too
> much for this little machine or am i just configuring something wrong?  can
> i increase the amount of memory that nfs has?
> here's the output of free:
>                      total     used    free  shared  buffers  cached
> Mem:                125564   123660    1904       0     9980   80984
> +/- buffers/cache:   32696    32696   92868
> Swap:               196552     7264  189288
> _________________________________
> daniel a. g. quinn
> starving programmer
> Lift up yourselves, men, take yourselves out of the mire and hitch your
> hopes to the stars; yes, rise as high as the very stars themselves. Let no
> man pull you down, let no man destroy your ambition, because... man is your
> brother; he is not your lord.
>  - marcus garvey
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