I've been building some new machines and run into a problem. In my systems, I have Znyx ZX346 NIC's, these are four port 10/100 PCI cards using thte DEC tulip 21140 chip. I also have a Buslogic (Mylex) BT-958D in each system. Using RH 7.3, the systems run fine with either the SCSI card or the NIC install, but NOT both. It seems there is some conflict between them. I've done some reading and it seems that the tulip NIC's are well supported by Linux as is the Buslogic card (and as I said they both work fine on their own).
When I have them both in the system, RH will boot fine. It configures eth0 fine and all looks good. However, I can not send any packets in or out of the system. The SCSI card appears to work correctly as I can r/w to the drives on that card. When the tulip driver is being loaded at boot time I get an error message (dmesg) about the PCI instance having an unknow header. I also get tulip: missing EEPROM at xxxx, interface may not work correctly. Would changing the order the drivers are loaded help possibly? Anyone have other ideas that might get me both network and SCSI connectivit? Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

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