Hey there.

What I have working:

Linux box shows up in XP Professional under 'View WorkGroup Computers', as
do the 9x boxes.

Linux box can mount XP shares using SMBMOUNT.

The only thing I (sadly) have never gotten to work is actually LOGGING IN to
the Linux box from XP. The 9x boxes have no problem with this. The XP box
can not join the local domain here either for some reason.

Basically, I can only get all this to work using WORKGROUPS, not DOMAINS,
which kills any security really, apart from the fact you can mess with XP
file sharing securities and this does seem to work.

XP networking is a real PITA to set up. I wish there was a simple 9x or NT
compatible mode for it.

If this is what you're after, I may be able to help you.


P.S. M$'s suggestion of using NETBUE on XP is a farce. Uninstall it. NetBue
is dead. It should all communicate just fine over IP. (Samba does).

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