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On 07-Oct-2002/06:26 +0800, Tim Kehres <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Wow - people still use elm!  :-)  Anyway, there is a simple solution to
>this - use either POP3 and/or IMAP4 capable clients.  SSL is supported on
>top of both protocols.

I use mutt. When I press "r" for reply, the reply composition window opens
while my finger is still on the key. On the same hardware, GUI clients
just cannot be that fast. i get a lot of mail. I like to handle it
quickly, without my mail client ggetting in the way.

I've tried Netscape, Mozilla, Eudora, Outlook, Outlook Express, Evolution,
Slypheed, Balsa, XFMail, and so many others that I've forgotten their

If you can type, character-based mailers are a lot faster than those that
either lack a good set of keyboard shortcuts, or react too slowly to the
shorcuts that they support.

I can type. It's faster for me to keep my hands on the keyboard than it is
to keep reaching for the mouse. When I have to talk someone through a
procedure on the computer, it grates on me every time the user reaches for
the mouse to do something like move to the end of the line instead of
pressing the [End] key.

If you don't know the keyboard, by all means keep reaching for the mouse.
But those of us who know our way around the keyboard can be a lot more
productive with character-based mailers. Those mailers typically do not
support HTML without external help.

Most HTML mail is unnecessary anyway. It's simply the default mode of the
mailer, and not a concious decision by the sender to include formatting
that makes the message more useful. It typically does not add meaning to
the message, it makes things more difficult for digest subscribers, and it
makes more work for mailing list archive software.

In some environments it makes sense, but a Linux mailing list is not one
of those environments. Most of the questions and answers on this list do
not pertain to GUI configuration dialogs. They pertain to basic
information and text file configurations. an occasional screenshot may
come in handy, but these screenshots will not be included in the archives,
so their utility is limited.

On this mailing list, text-only should be the norm.

- -- 
Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]%3E>
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AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05    HomePage: <http://www.pobox.com/~agreene/>
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation <http://www.linux.org/>

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0x6C94239D


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