On Friday October 18 2002 01:27 am, Mark wrote:
> So, I use kmail, and I *don't* care for it's addressbook, and I've just
> tried Kaddressbook, and it is user-hostile: I can't seem to create a
> mailing list, and I can't put the display fields in the order I want (and
> who wants an addressbook that INSISTS on Email1 before File-as - alpha
> order of fields, in other words.

To make distribution list (that's what it's called, i think) you need to have 
all the addresses in the Addressbook individually, then you click File-> 
Distribution list, and add the addresses to the list, which really sucks, I 

> And I can't make things go away. Nor can I view a long email address, with
> a leading name. Nor, if I use either Kadressbook, or KAB with the
> Kadressbook gui, can I make the bloody damn thing address an email. I click
> on the name, it brings up the little list box so you can verify that's what
> you want, which is fine...but then I click ok...and it brings up the main
> KMail window.

To use your address book, click a little button with 3 dots beside the To / CC 
box in the Compose New Mail window.

> Nor does Kaddressbook have any help. If I click "create folder", the KMail
> addressbook, with or without KAB, does not have any explanation of what the
> fuck "folder contains an address list" check box *MEANS*, or if I can use
> it for a mailing list, or....

I don't know what you mean. Do you mean create a folder in KMail? There is a 
checkbox which if you check, allow you to put a default address to post. So 
if you're in that folder and click the New Message button, the To box 
automatically gets filled in with the that address.

Hope that helps.

> !@#$%^&*@#$%^&*(@#$%^&*(
> Do I have to go down to the system level, and create a system-wide alias?
>       mark

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