I've heard that there are Linux distro's that fit on a floppy, but I'm not sure RH is one of them.  You might try a search for floppy based systems to see how they got the size down.

At 08:29 AM 10/20/02, Shankar Rajendran wrote:
 I trying to Port Rh Linux 6.1 in a 8 MB Diskonchip flash disk. If I copied the required files in to the disk on chip, it requires 16 MB of memory. I think the Library files are taking most of the space.
Is it possible to port the Linux in 8Mb of flash disk..?
Is it possible to port the Linux without library files.? I have tried to compile a df.c file with -static option but the size of the static df exe is 1392767. The size of df exe without the -static option is 14132, but it requires libc.so.d and ld-Linux.so.2.
Is there any other option to compile the files statically..?
Please help me to port the Linux in 8 MB of flash disk.
with regards,
Shankar R
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