On Lun 28 Oct 2002 09:47, Alexey Fadyushin wrote:
> It seems that not only ownership but also the device major and minor
> numbers
> for some of your disks have changed. You could not fsck or remount your
> /dev/hda2
> because /dev/hda2 device entry in /dev is no longer points to your hard
> disk due
> to changed major/minor. These numbers for /dev/hda2 should be 3, 2 but
> in your
> listing /dev/hda2 has the numbers 2,109. It is the main problem with
> your system.
> If you use LILO, you should start the kernel with the options
> init=/bin/bash, rw
> which will start the kernel with the root file system mounted read-write
> and will bypass
> usual init procedures.
> Then you should make correct device entries in /dev with the command
> /dev/MAKEDEV hda
> Then run fsck on /dev/hda2.
> Then change ownership on /dev/hda devices, if necessary.
> Then umount root filesystem: 'umount /'
> Then issue 'sync' command several times to write changed blocks to the
> disk.
> Reboot yor system.

Thanks, that did it!
But why would the device major and minor numbers change?

Thanks alot!

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Martín Marqués                  |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

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