I am installing RedHat 8.0 on 2 new Dell 1.8 gig machines.
After installation, one boots fine from the hard drive,
but the other does not.  It will only boot from the boot disk
created during installation.

The machines are identical with one exception.  I added
a 60 gig hard drive to one.  Since that's the only difference,
I'm focusing on that as the problem.

Here's the IDE drive setup:

Machine A (the one from the factory, unchanged)
  Primary Master - 20 gig hard drive
  Primary Slave - none
  Secondary Master - CD Drive
  Secondary Slave - none

Machine B (the one I added a second drive to.)
  Primary Master - 20 gig hard drive
  Primary Slave - none
  Secondary Master - CD Drive
  Secondary Slave - 60 gig hard drive

Machine A is fine.  Machine B will not boot from the hard drive
after install.

More details on B.

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2              5036316    305808   4474676   7% /
/dev/hdd1             10079324     32828   9534484   1% /backup
/dev/hda1                77750     17304     56432  24% /boot
/dev/hda6              9068616     33420   8574536   1% /home
none                    127188         0    127188   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hdd2              8063424   3868904   3784920  51% /usr
/dev/hda3              4032124     55508   3771788   2% /var/www

I installed the first time, and made /boot 128 megs.  Thought that was
fine, but read the docs closer and it suggested 75 megs.  So I went
back and re-partitioned and made /boot 75 megs (the first partition
(under 1023 cause I read that can be a problem), and primary partition.)
Read further and found that LILO and GRUB will complain if /boot
is not on one of the first 2 IDE devices found (counting CD drives also.)
Well, the second hard drive is the 3rd (hdd, right?), but /boot
is on hda (the first one, right?)

Another note.  If I set BIOS to boot from the hard drive first
(diskette second), it locks up with cursor in upper left hand corner.
ie Will not fail and look at the diskette.  But flip it the other 
way, and it'll boot right up from the diskette.

What am I missing here?

I'd really prefer not to have to re-install again, but I will.  Just
don't want to go for a 3rd time with no clue.



-- Jay Crews

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