On Fri, 08 Nov 2002 08:55:37 +1100
"Edwin Humphries" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can anyone report their experiences with Webmin for the configuration
> of Linux server services? We're particularly interested in:
> 1.  Does it break services the way Linuxconf used to?

I've never had a problem with anything it did except when it was
operator error.

More importantly, I've never had any problems with it doing anything I
didn't tell it to do, like munge a sendmail config or change permissions
without permission.

> 2.  Does it provide a comprehensive level of functionality to
> configure most services?

Everything I ever used it for was more than sufficient. I've had a
little trouble with understanding what some things were for in the past,
but that was just my lack of knowledge on some of the configs for
various things. Reading up on them a little (always a good idea anyway)
always shed the necessary light that as needed.

One very important aspect is that it allows the ability to abort any
change at any time (except after it's already been applied, of course)
and not cause any changes to be made irrespective of the will of the
user. My understanding about later versions of linuxconf, this was added
as an overall "quit without saving" option. That was an afterthought
there.but it's always been inherent with webmin.

I haven't done any large-scale configurations with webmin in 3 or 4
releases, so there may be added bugs that I'm not aware of, but I never
had a problem, and I don't recall reading of anyone having problems
beyond a few of the user-added modules (such as the squidguard module
was for awhile, and even it may be fixed by this time). Most of those
modules carried warnings that they were experimental, not complete, etc.
And they required the user to do a separate download and installation to
use them anyway.

What we really need is a moment of science in public schools.

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