from my local paper, bill gates throws $400 million at india,
some of it ostensibly for "charitable" works.  uh huh.

you have to love the idea of the "bill and melinda gates
foundation" -- the perfect vehicle for legal bribery.
honestly, i can just see the top-secret microsoft board
meeting now ...

  "OK, guys, you know that we've been controlling all 
these foreign markets basically by buying off those
cheap, local politicians.  But, man, with this antitrust
nightmare, and all those yahoo open-source fanatics
jumping up and down, we have *got* to be more careful.
I mean, if it comes out that we're just bribing these
guys, the sh*t is seriously going to hit the fan.
We need another approach.  Well?"

  "Um, how about, lessee, we can still bribe them, we
just don't call it a bribe.  We call it ... uh, charity.
Yeah, that's it.  Charity.  Money for ... what's that big
word everybody likes to use ... 'humanitarian' purposes.
Yeah, that's it."

  "We start a charitable foundation.  But, Bill, we can't 
just put your name on it.  I mean, come on, nobody's gonna
buy that the world's most predatory, convicted monopolist
suddenly grew a conscience or anything, know what I mean?"

  "So ... yeah, that's it, we put your wife's name on it,
too.  Gives it that nice, motherly touch.  I mean, you
have to be pretty callous to criticize moms, right?"

  "And we need a good cause.  Big time good cause.
Save the whales?  Nah, who gives a crap about the whales?
Whoa, brainstorm!  AIDS.  Does it get any better than AIDS?
I mean, there's even *kids* with AIDS.  It's perfect.  Can
you *imagine* anyone trying to pick a fight with you over
AIDS?  This is perfect!  We start this foundation, and
we can plow millions, I mean *millions* into these other
countries, call it ... whatever ... humanitarian support
for AIDS.  We look like heroes, Bill ... I mean, freakin'
heroes!  And once we get the cash to those guys, well,
who's to say where it really ends up?  Know what I mean?
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.  Know what I mean?"

  "And ... oh, man, here's the best part ... it's *tax
deductible*!  Can you believe this??  We're gonna bribe
foreign officials, and we're gonna get a tax writeoff
for doing it!"

  "Is this a great country or what?"


p.s.  yes, i really do have better things i could be
doing right now.

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