While I have never been a Bill Gates or M$ devotee, I do admire
the foundation and the work it does -- which truly is a
humanitarian effort.  They have made great inroads into inocula-
tion programs for children.  They also run the foundation like a
business -- thereby gutting the bloated "administrative costs"
that seem to gobble up the lions' share of other so-called
charities.  As a 30-year computer veteran, 22 of 'em as a UNIX
snob, I indeed regard M$ as the Evil Empire -- but smart is
smart -- and I admit respect for the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation and its work.

penelope S.

-- Excellence is a journey, not a destination.

>   from my local paper, bill gates throws $400 million at india,
> some of it ostensibly for "charitable" works.  uh huh.
>   www.therecord.com/business/technology/z111219A.html
> you have to love the idea of the "bill and melinda gates
> foundation" -- the perfect vehicle for legal bribery.
> honestly, i can just see the top-secret microsoft board
> meeting now ...
>   "OK, guys, you know that we've been controlling all
> these foreign markets basically by buying off those
> cheap, local politicians.  But, man, with this antitrust
> nightmare, and all those yahoo open-source fanatics
> jumping up and down, we have *got* to be more careful.
> I mean, if it comes out that we're just bribing these
> guys, the sh*t is seriously going to hit the fan.
> We need another approach.  Well?"
>   "Um, how about, lessee, we can still bribe them, we
> just don't call it a bribe.  We call it ... uh, charity.
> Yeah, that's it.  Charity.  Money for ... what's that big
> word everybody likes to use ... 'humanitarian' purposes.
> Yeah, that's it."
>   "We start a charitable foundation.  But, Bill, we can't
> just put your name on it.  I mean, come on, nobody's gonna
> buy that the world's most predatory, convicted monopolist
> suddenly grew a conscience or anything, know what I mean?"
>   "So ... yeah, that's it, we put your wife's name on it,
> too.  Gives it that nice, motherly touch.  I mean, you
> have to be pretty callous to criticize moms, right?"
>   "And we need a good cause.  Big time good cause.
> Save the whales?  Nah, who gives a crap about the whales?
> Whoa, brainstorm!  AIDS.  Does it get any better than AIDS?
> I mean, there's even *kids* with AIDS.  It's perfect.  Can
> you *imagine* anyone trying to pick a fight with you over
> AIDS?  This is perfect!  We start this foundation, and
> we can plow millions, I mean *millions* into these other
> countries, call it ... whatever ... humanitarian support
> for AIDS.  We look like heroes, Bill ... I mean, freakin'
> heroes!  And once we get the cash to those guys, well,
> who's to say where it really ends up?  Know what I mean?
> Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.  Know what I mean?"
>   "And ... oh, man, here's the best part ... it's *tax
> deductible*!  Can you believe this??  We're gonna bribe
> foreign officials, and we're gonna get a tax writeoff
> for doing it!"
>   "Is this a great country or what?"
> rday
> p.s.  yes, i really do have better things i could be
> doing right now.
> --
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