Hi Michael

You definitely have everything correct in what you say. Period!

What I have been noticing which is technically incorrect is the reference
to arbitrary assigned address space as class A, B, C or even fractional
class.  I see this as labels for people to make things easier.

i.e. calling as "Class C"  I even find myself doing it as
well, when I know better.

It appears this is where the usage is going.  Another example things being
made correct by enough people using the incorrect to become the

The biggest problem I have with this is when people mix and match the two
usages of Class definitions (the correct and the incorrect).


On Sun, 17 Nov 2002, Michael H. Warfield wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 17, 2002 at 06:03:37PM +0100, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> > On 17 Nov 2002 07:44:38 -0500, Doug Potter wrote:
> > > Actually that is a class B address.
> > > 
> > > The first octet of a class A is 1-126 (127 reserved for loop back)
> > >                      class B is 128-191
> > >                class C is 192-223
> > > since 172 is between the ranges of 128-191 that would make it class B
> > > Class B subnet or /16
> > The step from Class B to /16 is beyond me. If memory serves
> > correctly, the Class B subnet in RFC1918 is
> > which would be netmask
>       No no no...  This is totally wrong.
>       RFC 1918 has nothing to do with the old and deprecated classful
> address system. is one of the ranges (that happens to
> be in the old Class B address space) for private addresses.
>       I've heard enough erronious information in this thread at this
> point and nobody has mentioned the fact that "Class A", "Class B",
> "Class C", and "Class D" no longer exist for any intent and purposes.
> The Internet now runs on CIDR.  Classless Inter Domain Routing.
>       I've seen too many people arbitrarily refer to a /24 (CIDR notation)
> at being a Class C.  This is also WRONG.  The old Class C addresses were a
> /24 netmask ( - 24 bits in the network field) and in the
> address range of through  An address of
> is NOT a Class C nor was it ever.  It meets the netmask
> specification but is not in the Class C range.
>       It's in the Class B address space but, assuming that it's a
> /24 netmask, it's not a Class B network either because it doesn't meet
> the netmask specification.  At most, it's a SUBNET of a Class B
> network, under the old deprecated classful system.  It also happens
> to be a part of the private address space allocations, which is something
> else, yet again.
>       Old Notation:
> -     Class A range netmask /8
> -   Class B range netmask /16
> -   Class C range netmaks /24
>       These are now, at best, default conditions for netmasks when the
> netmask or CIDR bits are not specified.  It would be better if we
> simply DROPPED references to the old Classes entirely.  I now refer
> to my address space as being one of the "fossil Class B" addresses
> (a Class B address allocated under the old Classful system and now
> merely a /16 allocation).
>       To answer another message, the number in a / number (such as /12)
> describe the number of network bits in the netmask.  A netmask of
> has 8 bits set so it's a /8.  A netmask of is a /12 because
> it has 12 bits set (1111 1111 . 1111 0000 . 0000 0000. 0000 0000).
>       The original question asked was poorly phrased and has no real
> deterministic answer.  The "tightest" netmask, which totally encloses
> all of those addresses in the original question, is a /24 which covers
> the range from -  It could also be contained
> in a /23 netmask from - or a /22 netmask from
> -, etc.  The private address space, of which this
> is a SMALL part, is specified by RFC to be -
> which is a /12 address space (encompassing 16 of the old Class B network
> addresses) and which also encloses the entire address range listed
> in the original message (plus a WHOLE lot more).
>       The best answer I could come up with is that it is PROBABLY
> contained within a /24 address space (netmask but may
> be contained within a larger address space.  The specific addresses
> in question are in RFC allocated private address space and may not
> be routed on the Internet (which wasn't asked but may be relevant).
>       Mike
> -- 
>  Michael H. Warfield    |  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   /\/\|=mhw=|\/\/       |  (678) 463-0932   |  http://www.wittsend.com/mhw/
>   NIC whois:  MHW9      |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
>  PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471    |  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

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