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And to reply to myself - I've discovered that if you use the following command:

rpm --rebuild --target <arch>-redhat-linux-gnu rpmname.src.rpm
rpm --rebuild --target <arch>-linux-gnu rpmname.src.rpm

(they're synonimous since one symlinks to the other in /usr/lib/rpm)

so entering your directory of latest SRPMS and running:

rpm --rebuild --target athlon-redhat-linux-gnu *.src.rpm

could do the trick - rebuilding all packages for an athlon system, placing
all rpms within /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/athlon.

In a test rebuild for the latest gnupg package, it did use the march=athlon
flag. I'm sure, however, that the arch needs to be within the rpmrc file. If
you want to create one that does athlon-xp it could work. However, it
appears you'd need to add macros, and plenty of other fun stuff within
/usr/lib/rpm. Unless you think your apps would benefit from the difference
between athlon and athlon-xp (SSE), it's probably not worth the extra effort.

Valid arch's by default are for x86 systems:
noarch-redhat-linux-gnu (which points to i386)

It's tempting to try this on an older system to see if there's a noticable
performance increase. If anyone else does/has - post the performance
increases to the list - many of us would like to know if it's worth the effort.

Hope this helps,
- -Rick
- --
Linux/WAN Administrator - Medata, Inc.
PGP Public Key: https://mail.medata.com/pgp/rjohnson.asc

Rick Johnson wrote:
| Adam Bowns wrote:
| | I am considering rebuilding all the rpm's in use on my system so they
| | are optimised for my processor, but I have a few questions I would
| | really like to know the answer to before i start :-)
| |
| Funny - I was just pondering doing the same exact thing. Only reason I went
| about some of them is that I wanted to use some newer (Rawhite/Red Hat 8.0)
| packages on some 7.3 machines, so I needed to recompile them w/ GCC 2.9.6.
| | 1.Will it increase performance significantly ?
| I've watch the rebuild compile and the compilier does receive the mcpu=i686
| flag at times. However, the resuilting RPM is still .i386.rpm because it's
| i386 compatible. Unless you can figure out the speicfic rpmrc flags to make
| it compile with athlon-xp specific code, it may not help a whole lot.
| | 2.Is rpmbuild fully linked into gcc ? Can i use all the flags mentioned
| | in
| |
| |

| |
| ~From what I can tell in the rpmrc's wihtin /usr/lib/rpm - if you're
| running
| an i686, the flags will be included if appropriate. From what I can tell -
| they're not specific unless you tell it otherwise.
| However - by default - all others are translated to i386 with the following
| lines:
| buildarchtranslate: athlon: i386
| buildarchtranslate: i686: i386
| buildarchtranslate: i586: i386
| buildarchtranslate: i486: i386
| buildarchtranslate: i386: i386
| The i386 optflags line has the following:
| optflags: i386 -O2 -march=i386 -mcpu=i686
| Therefore the packages would be built for i386, but with i686 optimizations
| by default.
| I think you could probably customize this within /etc/rpmrc or ~/.rpmrc to
| override this for athlons and add any flags you desire.
| Dig around the rpmrc file for more info.
| | 3.Also, any experiences you have with rebuilding rpm's for athlon-xp
| | architecture would be of interest to me.
| Beyond contemplation, I haven't done much w/ this. Given that the
| default is
| to include -mcpu=i686 -march=i386 - you're getting 386 code with 686
| optimizations (if I'm reading the man pages correctly). For most of us,
| that's probably good 'nuff. Red Hat has built specific i686 packages for
| those libraries that benefit most from the changes. For 8.0, that includes
| the kernels, glibc, and openssl.
| Correct me if I'm wrong.
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